
Life seems stacked against you.

Phone notifications are going off constantly.

Most food makes you feel like garbage.

Every possible means of avoiding your feelings is available 24/7.

Kinda feels like a constant fight – doesn’t it?

Here’s a secret you probably already knew.

Optimal mental health is not a given – it’s something you earn. Being accomplishment-driven, you’ve probably found yourself scratching your head, wondering why you haven’t been able also to master your emotions and inner life. I mean, you’ve succeeded dang near everywhere else!

The emotional realm is a whole different enchilada, my friend. Striving, defeating, and fighting won’t help you here.

Our job is to embrace, allow, and feel. Beautiful things happen when we do so.

We do have our work cut out for us, but thankfully, we can walk the path to greater health together. The potential is limitless when you can experience the freedom from taking full ownership of your life and forge a deep connection with yourself.

My Vision

I am passionate about the healing process and human optimization. My practice emphasizes authentic human relating, which means it is my job to be real.

If you believe in a lie, I will call it out. If you want me to “do all the work” for you or if you can’t commit to showing up every week, I’m not for you.

Throughout my short time on this earth, I’ve learned that people are so much more powerful than they believe – it’s just that many of us are lacking an ally, wisdom, and tools.

I take a ‘systems-based’ approach to life.

I love discovering principles that underlie systems. The better we understand a system, the more effectively we can operate in it. Maybe, I should have been an engineer.

Anywho, here’s the cool thing: The human psyche is also a system. By knowing the principles that underlie this system, I can help you navigate out of the mysterious dark abyss that is your mind and into a more harmonious way of living.

Stop and think for a second – what would it be like to feel an increasing sense of mastery over your inner battles?

It’s an absolute joy when I see my clients discover how their psyche works because then they can start making their minds work FOR them instead of residing in perpetual victimhood.

About Me

My motto is “Be Engaged” in whatever you do.

Former clients have called me “professional but real.” Being in the room with me will be an engaging process. I don’t just sit back with an emotionless stare and mutter, “mmhmm.”

We’ll laugh together. We’ll probably cry together. And I will constantly check in to the nature of our relationship because that is the most important thing to me.


I am a Licensed Psychologist in Texas (#38792) and earned my PhD in Clinical Psychology from The University of Texas-Southwestern Medical Center.

Following graduate school, I completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at Dallas Therapy Alliance. Throughout my academic career, I researched and published papers related to clinical health psychology.

Before attending UT-Southwestern, I studied and completed predoctoral research at Columbia University and earned my Bachelor’s degree from Tulane University.

I identify as a trauma therapist and I’m a certified Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR) practitioner. I am also trained in Relational Psychoanalytic Therapy and Prolonged Exposure Therapy.

I’m probably lifting weights, doing martial arts, or hiking with my wife when not doing therapy. I am deeply fascinated by the intersections of psychology and Christianity. I’m a devoted follower of Christ.

Keeping this in mind, I do not impose my views on my clients. I welcome people from all faiths, including non-faith. How much or how little we discuss spiritual topics is entirely up to you.