Chronic Stress & Chronic Pain

The cumulative stress you live with has seeped into your bones.

Feeling stale and achy constantly.

Heart fluttering.

Body slowly seizing up with panic.

You can sense your muscles tense as you open your email, knowing demanding requests wait.

Dragging yourself from meeting to meeting, you reach for another energy drink to stay awake enough to get through without being a zombie. Sure, you got some sleep last night, but you didn’t get any rest.

Recurring pain zapping you awake.

You wake up with aches. Back’s been killing you for years.

“That’s just the way it is.”

Dealing with chronic pain means you have been suffering in silence for most of your life. You’re constantly assessing whether you can engage with life’s activities in your head.

Do I have my back pillow with me?

What happens if my kids jump on me?

How much will I have to walk at the airport?

All these internal computations fire constantly – you realize you are essentially always thinking about your pain!

There is no pain without the brain!

Our understanding of pain circuits and the effects of trauma and stress on the body has grown substantially in recent years. Chronic pain and stress are largely influenced by underlying emotions and learned habits.

We know chronic stress can lead to a variety of health problems like high blood pressure, insomnia, depression, anxiety, and muscle pain.

Something can be done to change the outcomes – let’s make those changes soon.

Managing stress is often about learning to set boundaries as you use your strengths to manage stress differently.

Therapies that target these emotions and pain patterns can bring about remarkable shifts in your physiology and pain level. These therapies must be specialized though. Good news is – they exist. And I offer them.

Call now to learn more.